Projects, exhibitions and written articles

I worked a long time for the Jewish Museum (JCK) in Amsterdam.

The last project was the Jewish Route in Paramaribo, Suriname. Before photoprojects about Jewishness in the Netherlands, Indonesia, Morocco and Israël ( Hiloelot Netivot and kabbalah graveyards Tsfat and surroundings)

– Photolightbox made with lenses, 300 documentary photos and light about Jewish Life in Amsterdam, the work is exhibited in the exhibition about the 20th century on the first floor.

I worked together with art historian Anita Frank, which I also had a project in debatting centre de Balie Amsterdam. Due to Corona, we made a magazine and organised 2 online debats without audience, moderator Barbara Barends.


– EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY, groepsexpo met fotoschatten uit het archief, Joods Museum Amsterdam, april-sept. 22

– The kabbala graves from Israël, Tot Zover, Funeral/Uitvaartmuseum, Amsterdam,  08

– Schenking 110 foto’s van tentoonstellingen Marokko/Israël en Indonesië en project Suriname

– Morocco, photo’s by Elias Harrus and Pauline Prior. Met o.a. foto’s van Netivot, heiligenverering van rabbijn Baba Sali  in Netivot, Israël waar veel Marokkanen heengaan. Expo in JCK Amsterdam en Jewish Museum Londen, 10

– The kabbala graves from Israël, Tot Zover, Funeral/Uitvaartmuseum, Amsterdam,  08

prior israel jewish tsfad joods historisch museum amsterdam photography

– Selamat Sjabbat, converting in Indonesia, JHM Amsterdam 14-15

Prior Photography Indonesia Joods Historisch Museum Prior Photo Indonesie Joods Historisch Museum

– Frum, book about Jewish Holidays and Rituals, 05

– Jewish Museum Berlin, photographs in the exhibition ‘Kosher & Co’, 10-11

Before, fotobiënnale Enschede , fototriënnale Tampere, Finland, fotofestival Naarden, foto-instituut Rotterdam, galerie Marzee, CBK de Watertoren Oost Souburg ( in collaboration with fellow photographer Thea van den Heuvel) .  Stedelijk Museum La Paz, Bolivia,  Stedelijk Museum de Librije Zwolle, Museum Sztucki Lodz Polen, galerie in Los Angelos, Londen, Thessaloniki, Nijmegen, Novi Sad etc.

EDITTING and photography

For several communication agencies and magazines I worked for many years.

Please enlarge the pdf, the text is in Dutch

Essay Prior Verf 22 

Kunst op de Begraafplaats in Spijk

Joodse Gemeente Paramaribo

Theeboer Dennis Tauwnaar Suriname

Suriname Jodensavanne

Joodse begraafplaats Muiderberg

Prior paardenbedrijf in Suriname

Article about horses in Canada

Article about horses in Indonesia

Article about Tourism on Historical Jewish Cementary

Prior articles about graveyards